Saturday, 26 February 2011

The Six Nations

You make just think that I have gone mad, Rugby? whats so good about that?? But during the past couple of weeks I have been loving the six nations! The Six Nations being a rugby tornament including England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Italy (there are 6 of them, hint the SIX nations) Now your still probably thinking why would I want to waste my saturday afternoon watching the rugby. I'll tell you why - the men. Beafy guys in tight shorts running around and tackling each other, what girl wouldn't want to watch that??? I mean seriously. sometimes there's even a bit accident, someone starts bleeding coz they got punched in the face or someone breaks a bone.. its quite addictive and way more dangerous than football.

Now we have the why? sorted out now we move on to the what? and the how? Ok so most of you probably don't understand rugby, you probably don't even understand football (mentioning no names...uh Hannah!!) so I have found a quick and easy to understand girls guide to rugby. It's on a blog called Bookshelf Boyfriend and includes most you need to know about rugby. Heres the web address: However if you have no intention to actually understand the game then just sit and admire the muscles ;)

If you live in England all the games are available to watch live on the BBC. The list of all the games, times and dates can be found here: I believe some of the games are also available on BBC America or you can watch them at a later date on BBC iplayer :

If you are now thinking about watching a bit of the six nations then there are plently more matches to go. Here is a clip of the highlights in the England Vs Wales game to get you started.

Enjoy :)
Love Milly xxx

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